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Updated: May 21, 2024

Charlotte talks at the Transformational Leadership Summit this week to celebrate International Women's Day and Women's History Month. Join this free summit to make transformational change in your life, business or approach to leadership!

Over five amazing days, Andrea Ivanka interviews our CEO, Charlotte Bloom, and 14 other experts on 2020's hot topics for transformational leadership success:

  1. Mindset Mastery

  2. Marketing & Messaging

  3. Client Attraction

  4. Eliminate Overwhelm

  5. Transformational Leadership

Alongside Charlotte, we especially can't wait to watch celebrity life coach Christy Whitman discuss how to master the right mindset and Oprah's pick Mark Waldman discuss how to eliminate overwhelm!

Register and join the online summit for free - click here. See the schedule below.

Join VSNRY's mailing list to get access to the Charlotte's interview on eliminating overwhelm after it airs at The Transformational Leadership Summit!

Day One: Mindset Mastery

  1. 10:00 am EST Christy Whitman

  2. 1:00 pm EST Ken Foster

  3. 4:00 pm EST Dr Steve G Jones

Day Two: Messaging & Marketing

  1. 10:00 am EST Amanda Dake

  2. 1:00 pm EST Michelle Bourdeau

  3. 4:00 pm EST Sothea Yi

Day Three: Client Attraction & Engagement

  1. 10:00 am EST Krista Mashore

  2. 1:00 pm EST Alicia Forest

  3. 4:00 pm EST Andrew Hallinan

  4. 6:00 pm EST Kerri Macaulay

Day Four: Eliminating Overwhelm

  1. 10:00 am EST Summer McStravick

  2. 1:00 pm EST Charlotte Bloom

  3. 4:00 pm EST Reneta Jenik

  4. 6:00 pm EST Mark Waldman

Day Five: Transformational Leadership

  1. 10:00 am EST Sammy Blindell

  2. 1:00 pm EST Debra Kasowski

  3. 4:00 pm EST Pamela Sterling

  4. 6:00 pm EST Asmaa Methqal

Day Six: Getting More Clients (aka Sales!)

  1. 10:00 am EST Surprise Guest!


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